Page:Poems Eddy.djvu/43

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poems by mary baker eddy
  "Convulsion, carnage, war;
The pomp and tinsel of unrighteous power;
Bloated oppression in its awful hour,—
  I, dying, dare abhor!"

  One word, receding year,
Ere thou grow tremulous with shadowy night!
Say, will the young year dawn with wisdom's light
  To brighten o'er thy bier?

  Or we the past forget,
And heal her wounds too tenderly to last?
Or let today grow difficult and vast
  With traitors unvoiced yet?

  Though thou must leave the tear,—
Hearts bleeding ere they break in silence yet,
Wrong jubilant and right with bright eye wet,—
  Thou fast expiring year,

  Thy work is done, and well:
Thou hast borne burdens, and may take thy rest,
Pillow thy head on time's untired breast.
  Illustrious year, farewell!

Lynn, Mass., January 1, 1866.