Page:Poems Eliza Gabriella Lewis.djvu/100

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miscellaneous poems.
In vision, it will come to bless,
When length'ning shadows fall;
And twilight, with her sombre dress
Stealeth around in loneliness,
'Twill shed a gleam o'er all.

——————Thence it came,
That she, whom all men prais'd, and whom myself,
Since I have lost, have lov'd, was in mine eye
The dust that did offend it."—Shakspeare.


By the memories deep and thrilling.
By each slumbering chord of joy,
By each fond hope of the future—
Hope's absence may destroy;
Return, my being's idol,
Whilst life's in each warm vein;
Return—return to love's true shrine,
I call thee back again.