Page:Poems Eliza Gabriella Lewis.djvu/136

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miscellaneous poems.
Yes, gaze! 'tis the star of my natal hour,
And, born 'neath its trembling ray,
Was the spirit of bliss, who on earth hath power,
And in Heaven an holier sway.

Then think of them, love, as a glorious boon,
As a type of that spirit given,
And gaze on that star and the calmer moon
As an emblem of Hope and Heaven.

"There have been roses round my lute, but now
I must forsake them for the cypress bough."


(From an Ancient Song of the Troubadour's, or Trouvèrès.)

The sound of merry minstrelsy breathes from yon lofty hall,
Light-moving footsteps glide along re-echoing music's call,
And many a young and joyous heart beats 'neath the silken dress,
That shadows yet reveals so much of maiden loveliness.