Page:Poems Eliza Gabriella Lewis.djvu/139

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miscellaneous poems.
And love, all fearful in its course—a love that might not bless,
Had thrown its shadow o'er her brow, and dimmed its loveliness.


Ah! tear the serpent from thine heart, the wreath from off thy brow,
And in thy closet bend the knee with a more holy vow;
And clothe thine heart with purity, with penance and with prayer;
Sow not the whirlwind, reap not thou repentance and despair.

A party of soldiers were attacked by Indians at a stream called, from the circumstances of the fight, "The Bloody Run."

In the bosom of the mountain,
Where the ling'ring moonbeams lay,
Calm in their placid beauty,
Like an infant tired of play,