Page:Poems Eliza Gabriella Lewis.djvu/18

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the outlaw.
Give me the mountain breeze—the sea-bird call—
The moaning of the chafed and angry waters.
      ———Caught thus, and caged,
Whilst sleep bedimmed my senses:
My band dispersed—roving I know not whither—
And fearful of their captains doom—
Death by the headsman's hand.
Courage, my heart, I hear my jailor's step,
And in that tread lieth freedom!

Enter Jailor.

Jail, Softly, softly; thou seem'st in angry mood.
Here is the cunning tool—now for thy fetters!
[Files them.] They're off.—I'll drop this file nigh by thy straw.
Thou'rt free; and here the rope—tie hands and feet;—
I will prove me innocent. Knock down the sentinel.
God speed! Yet hearken—the six thousand marks.
[Exit Helvitio.