Page:Poems Eliza Gabriella Lewis.djvu/29

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the outlaw.
With the long tangled locks that hung about it's father.
Then came thy gentle mother, Lady Anne,
And snatched the babe from its sad play,
And bore it unto the castle, with its maniac mother.
Lady, I am that child, and owe a debt
That time can never pay.
L. Isabel. Here, then, we will remain,
And dwell in solitude;
This ruined home is the most fitting bower
For my wrecked heart. [Exeunt.


SCENE I.—Mountain Scenery—A Hut.

Banditti disguised as Mountaineers.

1st. Moun. Still absent!
Where roves the bold and gallant heart
That oft hath led us on to some rich spoil?
Rememberest thou the castle that we sacked,