Page:Poems Eliza Gabriella Lewis.djvu/36

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the outlaw.
2d Moun. Sweet Madeline, I swear the brass shall be well gilded ere I bring it back to my young worshipper.
[Exeunt Mountaineers.
Mad. Come, mother, let us work, or else I'll weep—my heart's so heavy.
Old Woman. Poor child, you make me think of my young days. Come, scour away, and then we'll to our spinning.

SCENE II.—Distant mountains—Soldiers descending—the Shore—a small Fishing Boat sheltered under a shelving rock.

Enter Helvitio.

Hel. Thus far I've fled, but now
My wearied limbs refuse to bear me;
Would I could see some friendly shallop near,
To aid me in escaping from my foes.
Hah! does my sight deceive me?
There is one close moored near yonder rock.—
Off, off my bark, thou bearest an outlawed freight.
[Looses the boat.