Page:Poems Eliza Gabriella Lewis.djvu/49

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the outlaw.
It might have been the Lady Isabel and her attendant.
I pray you pardon me for my too jealous love,
And look upon thy friend with kinder eyes.
Alberto. [impatiently.] E'en as you will.

SCENE VII.—Morning.

Enter Helvitio and Banditti.

Hel. Here we'll await them.
See, the dawn is breaking; yon mountain top
Is tinged with the first smile of the fair sun;
All nature springs to greet it.
Think ye, my friends, the pallid slave
Who sinks, enervate, on his soft and silken couch,
Feels the wild joy that thrills through all our frames?
Give me the morning air—the midnight revel—
The toil—the tumult—and the battle strife,—
A quiet grave and most unquiet life!
Hark! now I hear the rocky pathway echo
With armed heels. Back; and, concealed