Page:Poems Eliza Gabriella Lewis.djvu/58

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the outlaw.
'Twas said he went abroad and there had died:
'Twas false—most false;—he had returned,
Deceived my sister with his feigned death,
And loitered here [to corpse] to prove thee false.
Sweet saint! his jealous madness urged him on to this.
Ame. [weeping.] Oh! my lord Helvetio! by this dear one,
Whose blood cries up to warn thee,
Fly to thy father! for his mercy sue:
He hath the power—the will to pardon thee.
In the proud heir of thy most princely house
What man can recognize the outlawed boy
Who plunged his dagger in a kindred's bosom?
Hel. True, true, Amelia;
To meet my doom or pardon I go.
Let my poor Isabella be the sad partner
Of my weary journey.

SCENE V.—Palace in Dresden—an apartment.

Duke, Attendants.

Duke. What means this tumult in my peaceful halls?