Page:Poems Eliza Gabriella Lewis.djvu/75

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miscellaneous poems.
Spirits of the betrothed! freed from the thrall
Of the dull earth! Pure as ere woman's fall;
Their love all spiritual. With gentle smile,
Backwards they cast their eyes, and murmur, dear ones, yet awhile!

Glide on thou purely beautiful! thy forms
Float in mid ether—calm above the storms
Of thy heart's tempest; whilst, with streaming eyes.
Thy earth-bound lovers kneel, and mourn thy progress through the skies.

Come to me, love; knowest thou the dew is falling,
And the pure star-light gleams o'er hill and dale?
Come, ere my lips are weary with their calling,
And the soft check thou lovest turneth pale.

Why dost thou linger? clouds are gathering round me,
But not the summer's gentle threatnings lour;
'Tis the heart's gloom, dearest, ere grief hath bound me
In his strong fetters;—come, and joy restore.