Page:Poems Eliza Gabriella Lewis.djvu/78

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miscellaneous poems.
And pleasant was the old man's death, at sunset's glowing hour!
Amidst the fields of memory, the sorrow's course may run,
The sun of other days can shed light o'er the closing one.

"Tell me, Spirit of the Sea,
Why the ocean's murmur dwells,
Hidden in coils so cunningly,
In the breast of the couch-like shells?"

And the voice of the Spirit said:
"Hidden from me is the mystery
Of the ocean's mighty bed."

I asked the Spirit of the Flowers,
Why it closed each little bell
When the sun had left its bowers,
And the shades of evening fell.

And the Spirit answered me:
"Seek not to know—a higher power
Hath will'd it so should be."