Page:Poems Elliott.djvu/34

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This is the mystic Hallowe'en,
When mischief is abroad I we'en,
    And witches brood,
    In frolic mood,
In moonbeams' silver light is seen.

The wizard chants his mystic rite,
And Hades' doors ope wide to-night,
    And demons dark,
    Enjoy a lark,
And sport about in flaming light.

The witch on broom-stick well astride,
To place of meeting forth doth ride,
    Where caldrons boil,
    'Midst great turmoil,
To brew love philters for a bride.

And young folks at the witching hour,
O'er come their dread of ghostly power,
    And tempt the Fates,
    With laughing mates,
Or dive for red-cheeked apples sour,

And ample stores of nuts and jokes,
Are cracked about among the folks.
    King Frolic reigns,
    And age regains,
Its youth, in spite of old Time's croaks.