Page:Poems Elliott.djvu/43

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And when she saw this Knight so brave,
This Knight whom she had thought a knave,
Forsooth she then began to rave—
    (About him!)

For every woman, then and now,
Likes of all things to raise a row,
And see each man before her bow,
    (On bent limb!)

So on her palfrey, by his side
She ambled forth to be his bride—
To those who stop them woe betide!
    (Don't stop them!)

The couple rode off with their men,
And soon they vanished from our ken,
When next we see them they have ten—

And now, recalling all the past,
We look at them, and stand aghast,
For, "he laughs best who laughs the last!"
    (HER or HIM?)