Page:Poems Elliott.djvu/60

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Of lessons learned, not wholly out of books,
By Nature taught, in many shady nooks,
Where murmuring streams are rippled by the breeze
Which wafts sweet fragrance from the old pine trees—
Where, under the blue arching summer skies,
Our native land, in throes of war now lies.
Our well-loved country, counting all the cost,
Knowing when Honor's lost, then all is lost.

We stand upon the threshold of the dawn
Of a new day, with Youth to urge us on,
Through struggle and endeavor, till we feel
The realization of each fair ideal.
The dawn of a to-morrow born anew,
In which to make our cherished dreams come true.
Let us aim high, our aspirations keen,
For what is best in life and what has been.
So, now, dear friends, clasp hands with me to-day,
While we, about to live, seek out the way.
May Joy and Peace and Health your steps attend—
Success crown each endeavor to the end.