Page:Poems Follen.djvu/134

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Hail! reviving, joyous Spring,
Smiling through thy veil of showers!
Birds and brooks thy welcome sing:
Haste, and waken all thy flowers.

Hark! a sweet pervading sound
From the breathing, moving earth:
Life is starting all around,
Sending joy and fragrance forth.

O'er the oak's gigantic form
Blossoms hang their drapery;
Branches that defied the storm,
Now are full of melody.

There is not a silent thing
In this joyous company:
Woods, and hills, and valleys ring
With a shout of jubilee.

Wake, my spirit! art thou still?
Senseless things have found a voice;
Shall this throbbing heart be still,
When all nature cries, "Rejoice?"