Page:Poems Follen.djvu/19

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Hail, boundless Ocean! mighty rolling deep!
Thou ever restless, still rejoicing sea!
Now slowly heaving in thine awful sleep,
Now wildly roaring in glad revelry.

The stars look glorious in their silent place;
The fixed hills in tranquil grandeur stand;
The moon renews her gentle, smiling face;
The sun proclaims his Maker's bounteous hand—

"In solemn silence all;" while thy glad voice
Went forth at first in its eternal roar,
And billow after billow cries, Rejoice!
In ceaseless murmurs on the sounding shore.

I love to stand upon the giant rock
That thrusts his scowling front against thy wave.
And feel the trembling from the mighty shock,
And hear it roaring through each hollow cave;—