Page:Poems Follen.djvu/40

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The short, dull, rainy day drew to a close;
No gleam burst forth upon the western hills,
With smiling promise of a brighter day,
Dressing the leafless woods with golden light;
But the dense fog hung its dark curtain round,
And the unceasing rain poured like a torrent on.
The wearied inmates of the house draw near
The cheerful fire; the shutters all are closed;
A brightening look spreads round, that seems to say,
Now let the darkness and the rain prevail;
Here all is bright! How beautiful is the sound
Of the descending rain! how soft the wind
Through the wet branches of the drooping elms!
But hark! far off, beyond the sheltering hills
Is heard the gathering tempest's distant swell,
Threatening the peaceful valley ere it comes.
The stream that glided through its pebbly way
To its own sweet music, now roars hoarsely on;
The woods send forth a deep and heavy sigh;
The gentle south has ceased j the rude northwest,
Rejoicing in his strength, comes rushing forth.
The rain is changed into a driving sleet,
And when the fitful wind a moment lulls,
The feathery snow, almost inaudible,