Page:Poems Follen.djvu/53

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nancy's brook.
Her aged parents' warning words
She does not heed; she may not mind:
Her William ill; all other fears
Are nought—are given to the wind.

Now the sweet hour of evening prayer
Has calmed and cheered poor Nancy's heart:
She said,—"Dear father, bless your child;
Dear mother, kiss me, ere we part."

"Bless thee, my child!" her father cries,
And her dear head with tears embalms:
In silent grief, her mother wept,
And wrapt her in her shelt'ring arms.

The piercing cold by her unfelt,
At the first streak of early dawn,
No farewell said, no danger feared,
Nancy to him she loves is gone.

There was not then this smooth, broad road;
A rough and narrow path alone
Led to the mountain temple then,
And made its deep recesses known.

The dull, cold sun, no cheering ray
Upon the trembling traveller shed;
The driving snow and piercing wind
Beat on her young, devoted head—