Page:Poems Follen.djvu/66

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the farewell.
    But the saddest adieu,
    Dear friends, is to you,
Whose kindness illumined the scene.
    Summer passes away,
    And the flowers decay—
Our friendship shall ever be green.

    In your peaceful domain,
    Though sorrow and pain
May intrude with their withering power;
    Yet virtue will last,
    And the wintry blast
Will spare you love's evergreen flower.

    Though at distance I dwell,
    Though I bid you farewell,
Yet the light-winged thought can restore
    Your kind, peaceful hearth,
    Where, mid friendship and mirth,
The tempest unheeded may roar.

    When the stormy winds blow,
    When whitened with snow
Are the fields where together we roved;
    When the dim twilight hour,
    With a saddening power,
Repictures past scenes that we loved,—