Page:Poems Freston.djvu/28

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My lovely cousin, sweet Elizabeth,
Came, when the roses come to bloom for us
And shed the fragrance of bright health and youth
And merry presence by my Helen's side.
My Helen,—my best treasure, my dear wife!—
Had been her school-mate ere she came to me,
To crown my life and make it all complete
With that best gift, a noble woman's love.

A very Princess Royal in her soul
And in her look is young Elizabeth,
While my dear love is gentle, with soft eyes,
But strong and brave and altogether true.
The day was bright and warm,—a perfect day,
With fleecy clouds floating through realms of blue,
With book in hand, I sought the pleasant shade
Afforded by a summer-house near by,
O'er which the woodbine climbed luxuriantly
And into which the roses shyly peeped.