Page:Poems Freston.djvu/66

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Under the stars of a summer night,
In a land of dreams, in the long ago,
We floated away in a shallop, white
As the robe she wore in the silvery glow.
And over her lips, with their dainty curve,
A sweet song rippled, of days gone by,—
Of a brave true knight, who had sworn to serve
His Lady, by deeds of purpose high.
A rose that seemed but a sleeping star,
Was caught in the mesh of her waving hair;
And naught in the picture was there to mar,
For oh! my lady was wond'rous fair,
As idly we drifted together.

'Twas a fairy stream, and the god of love
Guided our boat, with his hand on the helm;
And the echoes laughed from the hills above,
As we floated on to his rosy realm.
And over my heart, as I watched her there,
Came thoughts of the great deeds yet to do,
If only the hand of my lady fair
Would rest in mine, and so keep me true.