Page:Poems Freston.djvu/94

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Oh, thou who art guarding my baby for me,—
In an unknown land, o'er a mystic sea,—
Bear my treasure over the dangerous tide,
And lay it safely my heart beside.
I shall thank the messenger for such gain,
Though he come to me on the wings of pain;
For with yearning heart at the golden gate,
Of my life's best promise, I wait, I wait.

I await the promised joy to see,
When a little child shall be given to me;
When, against this yearning mother-breast,
A little head shall nestle and rest;
When out of the highest court of heaven,
A new, white soul to my guidance is given.
So with love and awe at the outer gate,
Of this wonderful hope, I wait, I wait.

Shall your eyes be dark? or a starlit grey?
Or the blue of my loved one's far away?
Shall your hair be brown? or the ruddy gold