Page:Poems Geisse.djvu/19

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That little pronoun "My,"
How much it means to each,
How often do we use it
In daily thought and speech.

It stands for the possession
Of all the heart holds dear,
For all the priceless treasures
That make us hope and fear.

It stands for love of country,
It stands for love of home,
For the best and brightest blessings
That the human race has known.

Ah! that magic little pronoun,
What strange power it doth hold,
It has made the bravest timid,
It has made the timid bold.

It has sent men forth to victory,
It has sent men forth to doom,
It is spoken at the cradle,
It is spoken at the tomb.

It has been throughout the Ages
Ever on the lips of man,
In the life of every nation
As a part of God's great plan.