Page:Poems Geisse.djvu/24

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So tender and considerate
Of every living thing,
Indignant at all meanness,
The champion of fair play,
Frank, loving and courageous,
Just as he is to-day—
              My Bishop.

How well I can remember
His boyish scorn of wrong,
In telling how some weaker lad
Was bullied by the strong:
His eyes would flash at mention
Of an injustice done,
He only prized a victory
When it was fairly won.
And how he loved his "Heroes"!
I call them his indeed.
For he has truly made them
Part of his life and creed—
              My Bishop.

And when I look into his face
And tenderly the past years scan,
I murmur in my deep content,
"The child is father of the man."
For not one hope is unfulfilled,
Each blessed promise of his youth,