Page:Poems Geisse.djvu/39

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Besides these snubs and slights,
I've numerous other woes,
Among which not the least
Is wearing shabby clothes.

My coat is very seedy,
My frocks they are antique,
And when there comes a rainy day
My shoes are sure to leak.

I've but one bonnet to my name,
And that is three years old;
My umbrella is a sieve,
And gives me many a cold.

In fact of worldly treasures
I've a very modest store,
But I hope t'will be increasing
As I daily ask for more.

For added to my troubles
Is the constant wish to spend,
Not for selfish pleasures only,
But the needy to befriend.

And when I hear some tale of woe
I find it doubly trying,
And I wish my heart, like some I know,
Was slowly ossifying.