Page:Poems Greenwell.djvu/169

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To straining discord, needing still the key
To seek, and all our being heedfully
To tune to one another's:

To tune to one another's: Ours were set
Together at the first; each hand could move
Like a skilled Master's, knowing well each fret
And chord of the sweet viol he doth love,
All up and down each other's soul, and yet,
Call forth new concords,—now with softer kiss
I move o'er other souls in fear to miss
Their latent charm; these too, if better known,
Were worthier prizing;[1] Love's great charity
Hath taught this lesson, as beside her knee
I stand, and child-like con it o'er and o'er,
"Through loving one so much love all the more."

  1. Note A.