Page:Poems Greenwell.djvu/313

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The sun that shines o'er good and ill, the gentle rains that fall,
These are but types of what she gives—a heritage for all.

The glory of the silent eve, when all is hushed and still,
And golden sunset splendours stream o'er valley and on hill,
When broad and deep the shadows fall, and o'er the pearly sky
In glory Earth may never match, the clouds go sailing by.

Or when the flush of morning breaks in hues undreamt, untold.
And light dawns clear upon the world through shrouding mists of gold;
These are her pageantries in which each living soul bears part,
Her gorgeous shows for every eye, her lessons for each heart.

Where shielded for the eye of wealth exotic beauty glows,
The chaste Camellia unfolds her pure, unsullied snows,
The bright Geranium shines there in rich and crimson pride,
And waxen Orange-blossoms hoard their sweetness for the bride.