Page:Poems Greenwell.djvu/316

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Oh! dim must be the deadened eye, and dull the pining thought,
That owns not in all things that be, a power with blessing fraught;
The Mother-love[1] that waits around with fond untiring care
Where each has all! abounding more, the more her children share.

A single taper homeward guides the poor man's toil-worn way,
A thousand turn the rich man's night to soft and lustrous day;
But light more blessed shines alike on cottage and on hall,
Kind smiles are there, and pleasant words, and the dear, dear love for all!

  1. "L'amour d'une mère! amoir que nul n'oublie!
    Pain merveilleux qu'un Dieu partage et multiplie,
    Table toujours servi an paternel foyer!
    Chacun en a sa part, et tous l'ont tout entier!"
    Victor Hugo.