Page:Poems Greenwell.djvu/43

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Yet finding Love's sweet fountain closed, it even thus befell
That searching farther on I found Life's clear up-springing Well."

So spake she fervent: "I have learned by knocking at Heaven's gate
The meaning of one golden word that shines above it, 'Wait!'
For with the Master whom to serve is not to ride or run,
But only to abide His Will, 'Well waited is well done.'
So waiting, on my heart sweet words, like fragments of a song
Down floated from a happy place, have whispered 'Not for long.'
So be it; yet before I go, if I might but require
One boon, if God would answer me in this my heart's desire,
Then would I ask, through toil, through pain, through death itself, to see
My husband's eyes, before mine close, look once with love on me.
Then with this arrow that hath long through strength of pain upborne
The breast that hid it, would my soul be gently, gently drawn
Forth by a loving hand, that so my spirit as it passed
Might breathe one slow and soft and low 'At last, at last, at last!'"