Page:Poems Griffith.djvu/134

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Thy gentle beauty is a thing to keep
For ever in the spirit pure and deep;
But she is God's own loveliest blossom, given
To tell us of the garden-bowers of Heaven.

Oh, thou and she were both sent here to bless
The earth with beauty, light, and loveliness;
And it was well thy petals should expand,
Beneath the influence of her fostering hand,
For now thy leaves dear thoughts of her awake,
And thou art lovelier for her lovely sake.

I look on thee, and blessed thoughts of her
Within the depths of my sad spirit stir;
I've gazed on her as now I gaze on thee,
Till my full soul gushed o'er with ecstasy,
And her wild beauty has become a part
For ever of my burning brain and heart.

Ah, dearest blossom, as with sorrowing eye
I watch thee fade, and feel thou soon must die,