Page:Poems Griffith.djvu/48

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Of beauty and religion; all things, glassed
Within thy fancy's mirror-wave, assume
The holy tints of heaven. With wizard spell
Thou stirrest the deep fountains of my life
Until I worship thee, and feel myself
Exalted by such worship. Thou dost stand
Upon thy own high pyramid of mind,
As on some lofty mountain-height, and wave
Thy mighty wand, and myriads of bright
And fearful shapes, all things of heaven and earth,
Come thronging on the wild careering winds,
The vassals of thy bidding.

              Cousin, I
Have deemed that, like the brave old Titan, thou
Hast stolen fire from heaven wherewith to warm
The frozen world of thought, but thou wilt not,
Like him, be destined to the chain; the rock,
And the fierce vulture at the heart, for Jove,
The Tyrant, rules no more in heaven, and God
Is justice, love, and mercy.