Page:Poems Hale.djvu/114

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Devotion's sacred form and heaven-raised eye,
Communing with the soul that rests on high.

   Farewell! again farewell!
The voice we loved so well in death is hushed,
The fountain's last sweet flow of song has gushed:
   Yet shall thy memory dwell,
Enshrined within the hearts that fount has blessed,
Till we shall share thy blissful, glorious rest.

When life before your path is bright,
And fancy sheds its golden light,
And you the dawning future deem
As radiant as your own bright dream,
Ere yet its after path be trod,
"Remember your Creator, God!"

Forget not him whose ceaseless flow
Of goodness crowns your lot below,
Whose hand your pathway strews with flowers,
And o'er your head his mercies showers.
O! mid the blessings of your lot,
Be not the gracious Source forgot.