Page:Poems Hale.djvu/176

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Where is Thy favored shrine,
God of creation's space?
Where is the temple wholly thine,
Where we may seek Thy face?

What altar can we see,
Beneath the arch of heaven,
To which our contrite souls may flee,
And find their sins forgiven?

Art Thou not every where?
Our Father and our God!
O'er earth and heaven, through sea and air,
Thy glory shines abroad.

But, while the dome we rear,
Sacred to Thee alone,
Those gracious words the spirit cheer,
"Creation is my own."

Thy hands have reared a shrine,
Where all may kneel in prayer;
Where, kindled by Thy love divine,
Our souls that love may share.

God of the azure heaven!
God of the forest shade!
These are Thy shrines, to mortals given,
For earthly incense made.