Page:Poems Hale.djvu/191

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lines written after an ordination.
  If ever angel's wing
Droop from its home of purity and bliss,
Pardon, salvation, blessedness to bring,
  It is in hours like this.

  The holy rite is done;
The solemn, consecrating prayer is said.
Servant of God and herald of his Son!
  Peace be upon thy head.

  Fast to thy spirit gird
The shield of faith, to guard in danger's hour.
Thy helmet be salvation, and His word
  Thy sword of conquering power.

  Even as a daily dress,
Truth's radiant robe of grace and glory wear.
The shining breastplate of His righteousness
  Like Christ's true soldier bear.

  Watchman on Zion's hill!
Set the glad word of mercy to proclaim,
Make known to men thy Father's gracious will,
  And magnify His name.

  So when the Master's voice
Shall summon thee in glory to appear,
As peasant's heart at eventide, rejoice
  The low-breathed call to hear.