In dreams of silent night, thy voice Fell gently on my ear.Though all unseen thy shadowy form, Yet still that voice was near.
Like music from some blessed land, Upon my ear it stole,And breathed a speechless ecstasy Throughout my inmost soul.
It woke, with wizard's spell, a thought Of bright, but vanished hours;When gayly in its blooming paths I plucked life's thornless flowers.
But not on me thy words sent forth Their sweet mysterious flow.Waking, thy thoughts are not of me: Shall dreams the boon bestow?
Still it was ecstasy to catch That dear, though "careless word."How oft by one low-uttered tone, The heart's deep springs are stirred!
I woke: the rapture was dispelled, With morning's golden beam;As life's most fair and dazzling joys Prove oft a fading dream.