Page:Poems Hale.djvu/20

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A mother's love! exhaustless spring, whence, all unsullied flow
The holiest streams of sympathy that e'er can gush below.

A mother's heart! change cannot dim, nor absence quench the flame
That glows upon its hidden shrine, in joy or grief the same:
On earth, its full, deep meed of bliss ne'er to the soul is given;
It asks a holier home than earth,—the paradise of heaven.
Thou blessed one! o'er whose fair brow the mystic waters fell,
What yearning prayers for thee and thine, deep in my bosom swell:
I feel the impotence of words one kind thought to ex- press,
Of all that swell within my heart thy opening life to bless.

O! may the morning's fragrance rise, thy grateful meed to pay,
And may'st thou consecrate to God the noon's meridian ray;
And when the dews of evening call to slumber and to rest,
O! may'st thou fearless seek thy couch as a fond mother's breast.

Thou, to whose race the Sinless One the priceless boon did give,
To be the emblem meet of those whose souls in glory live,