the musical box.
Or seemed it to thine infant ear a gracious prelude given,To teach thy sinless soul on earth, the strains which swell in heaven?
She, whom the earliest day-beam finds a lingerer o'er thy rest,—She who so oft, at day's soft close, thy gentle sleep hath blest;—Hers is the ceaseless flow of love, so tender and so deep,That as a gem in memory's crown, thine after years should keep.
A mother's love! when ever failed that fount of tenderness?Or when refused a mother's heart to love, to soothe, to bless?Time cannot break the golden chain which links that heart to thee:It asks to swell its yearning depths one boon,—Eternity.
Thou blessed one! thy favored race a transcript meet, was givenTo image forth the purity of those whose home is heaven.In youth or age, O! may thy feet the holy pathway tread,Which leads thee to his arms, whose lips the gracious blessing shed.