Page:Poems Hazlett-Bevis.djvu/17

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Christ Entering Jerusalem.
Over the Mount of Olives the Master
Took his way, from Bethany old
To Jerusalem, caring not that disaster
Might block his path, as onward bold
He pressed, with gracious mien, the while,
Treading the garden of Bethpage,
Whose fruit and sunlight both did smile
Upon this mighty sage.
With wondering eye and steadfast awe
The gathering rabble came behind
Him; they knew not creed nor law,
But that he healed the blind
And bade the halt go free.
Weary and spent, an ass was brought
Him from Bethpage, so did he
Hide; and then from out
The multitude, in trenchant tones there broke
Triumphal acclamations: yet
Through it all, he never spoke
In praise nor anger. Palms met
Above his head, e'en branches cut
And waved by hands that knew him not,
Commemorative and regnant all, but
He, the only son of God begot,
