Page:Poems Hazlett-Bevis.djvu/81

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One may be bad, another good,
It's not for us to say.
Hearts slowly break in cheerful mood,
And drift out every day.

A human laugh in silver tones,
Oft greets the listening ear;
Hiding a tortured soul's deep groans,
That God alone can hear.

We have not time to watch the lives,
Or judge of human kind;
Enough for each who daily strives,
To faults of all be blind.

Not one of us but, when the day
Draws to its evening close,
Might better be in every way;
This, each one surely knows.

'Tis hard to throw sand in the eyes,
Striving to blind him who sees
By "intuition," true and wise;
He drinks the wine, not the lees.
