Page:Poems Hinchman.djvu/49

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Dart thy beams on every side,
Kindle glade and field of grain,
Set aglow great rivers wide,
Gild the clouds, thy princely train.

Now thy worship, given of old,
Is corrupt, and hollow need
Hides thy power in coin of gold;
Cramp'd thy power by crooked greed.

Come with blaze of power and, splendid,
Smite thy harp and, smiting, sing
How thou hast the world befriended,
Thou of light and color king!

Victor over cloudy night,
Phœbus in thy amber car,
Bring us now thy goodly light,
Drive away each pale-fac'd star.



In the delicate dawn
When the wind, astir,
Through the drift of mist
The sea has kiss'd,
And the fluttering whirr
Out of nests is drawn;