Page:Poems Hinchman.djvu/52

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Fluttering and bright
The voices of night!
They are dreams in my breast,
The voices of night
From the pearly west.



When tearful April's smiles appear
And liquid birds are carolling,
Thy feet touch meadows far and near,
And youth grows fair with marvelling.

Thou frolic and inconstant green!
That, with new humor travelling,
Pauseth awhile on broider'd screen
And languid maid's apparelling;

Soon thou art woven in a shade
Of summer boughs, where, murmuring,
Amid lush fans and shelter laid,
A snake-like stream is wandering.

There to escape the fiery sun
Tumultuous hearts find comforting;
Quiet and shadow there are one
In thy deep verdure slumbering.