Page:Poems Hoffman.djvu/113

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Strange sounds ensuing
Tell of a victim dead,
Tell of a meal soon spread,
Tell of a fate most dread
Wily pursuing.

Hark! Now from far away
Echoes a low, deep bay
From ridge to hollow,
Ears pricked up at the sound,
Then with a sudden bound
Clears he the gory ground;
Hounds soon will follow.

Crackling of underbrush,
Then, as before, a hush
Deep and oppressive
Save for the frightened feet
Far off in quick retreat
And now and then a bleat
Still apprehensive.

Soon on the ridge's height
Hunters appear in sight,
Hounds traveling faster
Find where the prey was slain
Down in the wild ravine;
Where has the culprit gone?
No one can answer.

Hunters of high repute
Back from a vain pursuit
Weary and baffled,
Stealthy and cunning foe
Still your sly ends pursue.
Culprits more low than you
Escape the scaffold.

[ 85 ]