Page:Poems Hoffman.djvu/146

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At a beautiful starry gateway
Two sister-spirits met,
And paused to talk of the country
To which they both were sent;
One wore a robe of sunbeams of gold
Buttoned with sparkling stars,
Her bright eyes were filled with merriment
As she stood by the crystal bars.
In one hand she held a basket
Filled with roses, ruby red,
And a smile of rare sweet beauty
Played over her face as she said:
"Sweet sister, in that far, distant land
We will both have our part to play;
Let us journey together, hand in hand,
Down the beautiful milky way;
For I, over many a cheerless path
Must scatter my roses red,
And you must strew thorns o'er the long, long road
That all of mankind must tread.
And I must bring the world gladness
And give to it Love's sweet wine;
But you must teach the world sadness
And mingle your cup with mine,.
And I must give to the reapers
A harvest of song to reap,
I must teach them to smile and laugh
But you must teach them to weep."
As she spoke, she shook her silken curls
And opened the starry gate
"Come, sweet sister, come, hasten!" she said
"For our mission cannot wait!"
The other stood with her head bowed down
And her face was so sad and pale,
And down o'er her shadowy, cloudy robe

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