Page:Poems Hoffman.djvu/159

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In the chambers of imagery, oh, the low and crawling things!
Here no ray of light can enter, here is heard no noise of wings;
Thoughts that hide like loathsome reptiles from the glory of the sun—
Unchained, beastly, cruel passions, living, breathing, every one;
And the things man stoops to worship, while his Maker is forgot,
Saying, "The Lord hath forsaken all the earth; he seeth not."
Fallen, lost, deluded, ruined, glorying in the dark and dearth,
Thinkest thou thy thoughts are hidden from the Lord of all the earth?

Open the chambers of imagery, each window toward the east;
Cast out the cruel reptile, drive forth the cruel beast,
Strike down the molten idol, hiding no sin from view;
Cry to the holy Artist, "Come and make all things new."
Then touched by the heavenly Master, the picture shall grow more fair—
The trees of the Lord's own planting, the birds of His upper air—
The stars that sing His praises on the darkest night shall shine
And the wall shall be all glorious, touched by His hand divine.
Then in all the beautiful pictures, no ravenous beast shall be,
And the glory of God shall lighten "the chambers of imagery."

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