Page:Poems Hoffman.djvu/332

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To-day I mourn above thy new-made grave
As one bereft of hope,
Choke back my sobs and struggle to be brave,
And blind through darkness grope.

I know you live in health and vigor yet
Called by the very name,
Wearing the form and face I'll ne'er forget
Of my dead friend, but you are not the same.

No, not the same; the friend I loved was free
From treachery, and true;
Too noble for deceit and falsity,
And what of you?

My friend had faults, but they were human faults
From which none here are free;
Yours are base crimes at which my soul revolts

Oh, to awake from out this dream of madness,
And know that it has only been a dream;
A dark, dark night that fled before the gladness
Of morn's untroubled beam!

To look once more into your eyes and listen,
Once more to hear your voice as from the dust;
To see one morning sunbeam dance and glisten
Undarkened by distrust.

For oh! your falsity has rendered duller
All Nature's beauties with its stunning pain;
Robbed sky and sea and landscape of their color,
Lowered Nature's music to a minor strain.

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