Page:Poems Hoffman.djvu/351

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Cursed be the dark-browed Canaan; was it God's supreme decree
That in Japheth's holier presence, he should bend the vassal's knee?
What know we of God's wise purpose?
Lo, His own almighty hand
With the sword of heavenly justice banished slavery from our land!
'Twas a struggle long and gory,
But the hand of God was there;
To the presence of His glory
Had been borne an Israel's prayer.

In His righteous indignation had His holy eyes looked down;
Was there One who plead before Him who had worn derision's crown,
Who had trod the wine-press sadly,
Who had borne the tyrant's blow,
Who had felt in bitter anguish none were with Him in His woe?
Oh, against wrong's mighty forces
On the battlefield of earth,
Who shall say that Heaven's white horses
Bear no unseen warriors forth!

To the battlements of evil have those Heavenly chariots flown,
As when Babylon was fallen and her kingdom proud o'erthrown;
With the powers of human justice move they swiftly o'er the plain,
'Till a mightier than Belshazzar in his princely court is slain;
'Till the peer of Persia's nations
Waves her trampled flag afar,
And above the old plantations
Rises Freedom's morning-star.

In his pride the lordly tyrant flings his palace gateways wide,
All the hosts of earth and heaven by his hand have been defied;

[ 321 ]