Page:Poems Hoffman.djvu/361

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Of all Love's faded flowers bereft;
Its blighted buds of Hope and Trust
Are trodden rudely in the dust,
'Till cast aside it lies undone,
A rude, unsightly skeleton.

Oh Bridal Bell, lone Bridal Bell!
Thou hast a voice for sorrow's knell,
Yet sing'st not of this alone,
Thou hast for joy a final tone,
For fabrics beautiful and rare,
Fashioned of plighted vows and prayer,
Whose ties were never stripped of bloom,
Whose frame no rage of rust could doom,
For every part of gold was wrought,
Each coigne with priceless jewels fraught,
Whence flash the diamond rays of Love,
Pure pearls of Trust and Faith above,
And every flower an immortelle,
Beneath thy belfry, Bridal Bell.


Once I'd have called this garden, lonely,
This dreamy garden, full of songs,
Of roses, birds and just "we" only;
But I have learned more of earth's wrongs,
Have learned that souls have starved for these
Sweet nature things, that are my part;
Oh, oh, to paint on every heart,
The sweet, glad blessedness of peace!

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