Page:Poems Hoffman.djvu/397

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Each tiny face wears some distinct expression
Stamped in its royal dyes,
Linked with a universal, shy confession
  Of sweet surprise.

Into the heavens your wondering eyes are staring
As if to penetrate their burning lamp
While mosses, round your feet, fresh dewdrops wearing,
  Lie cool and damp.

Into each beauteous face I gaze with pleasure,
That no distrust attends;
I find in you, what I have learned to treasure,
  Unchanging friends.

Sweet sympathy, that boon of earth's denying,
That surest balm for care,
Wafting from upper fonts your wants supplying,
  Ye sweetly share.

Ye are to me a silent inspiration
With voiceless teachings blent,
I learn of you (though in the lowliest station)
  To be content.

[ 365 ]