Page:Poems Hoffman.djvu/399

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Descend the mountain-side in one.
Thus, though unrealized—unseen,
Our life-paths meet and intervene,
Cross and recross in life's swift loom,
In shade and sunshine, light and gloom,
And two, beginning far apart,
Wind round the earth from where they start
Till meeting, hence through shade and sun
Two life-paths mingle into one;
Thus, through the world in devious ways,
We journey with the fleeting days;
Thus, down life's mountain path descend,
Knowing not whence our steps shall bend:
Certain of naught but that each route,
Each zigzag path, shall reach the foot.


There are stars so high above us,
In the gardens of the skies,
That to reach them angel pinions
Must be given us to rise;
There are little stars around us,
Twinkling in the dewy grass,
That we may gather, twining
Wreaths and garlands as we pass;
Then shall we scorn these lower stars,
Nor heed what they may teach,
Because the stars above us
Are too high for us to reach?
We may wreathe earth's common blossoms
Into crowns of light and love,
Though we may not climb to gather
Those higher stars above.

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