Page:Poems Hoffman.djvu/401

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She sought the wounded one and said:
"I too have suffered, tell me all,
Between us pride shall raise no wall,
Our hopes alike are dead."

"Sweet sympathy shall soothe our pain,
The dead are freed from all our grief;
Heaven is so long and earth so brief,
Yet shall we meet again."

The pale lips said, with quivering breath:
"You have no shattered shrine of trust,
Truth is immortal in the dust.
Earth has a sadder thing than death;

Heaven for the false provides no open door,
I have been wronged and cruelly deceived
By one I loved and trusted and believed,
And we shall meet no more."


Bright little day stars
Scattered all over the earth,
Ye drape the house of mourning
And ye deck the hall of mirth.

Ye are gathered to grace the ballroom,
Ye are borne to the house of prayer,
Ye wither upon the snowy shroud,
Ye fade in the bride's jeweled hair.

Ye are relics of bygone ages,
From Eden inherited,
To gladden the homes of the living,
And mourn on the graves of the dead.

[ 369 ]